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Perfoset T2
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    Le Perfoset T2 1

  Price :
1480.00 € (Suggested Price)

Product description :
for cancelling or marking forms, trade samples,
labels, films or plastic cards, for securing original
documents or for decorating letters by a company
logo for example
The following models for manual operation are
with a max. capacity of about 25 sheets of 70 g paper
up to 7 letters. The desired text is fixed. The max. text
length may be up to 118 mm and the max. text height
up to 32 mm.
The insertion depth is about 110 mm.
Up to 3 text lines fit in both models, depending on
the character height.


Capacity max. 25 sheets 70 g paper
Insertion depth 110 mm
Net weight 11,7 kg
Gross weight 13,0 kg
Packaging dimensions:
Perfoset II/T,II/TA 52 x 33 x 23 cm